Saturday, February 18, 2012

You'll never walk Alone

I finally have felt comfortable with actually paying full attention to my subject at this last photo shoot. Mr. M was the most perfect baby to takes pictures of. He slept 90% of the time and was only bothered one moment when his diaper was off and …well… can guess what happened. I felt as if I could position his small body in a number of different ways to create peace and happiness within his little heart! During the shoot I felt more comfortable with my camera; my adjustments came more natural and less of a distraction to the flow of the shoot. I did however decide to peek at my ISO settings at the end (ps…not a good time to check that), and to my shock it was set on auto!!! To even my feeble mind that means that light adjustments were in the control of the camera and not me. This is not a good thing. As Alton Brown would describe bad gravy…not Good Eats. I had a small panic attack because even though the images recorded on the display appeared to be acceptable, downloading them and seeing them on the computer always is the real moment you see what was captured. Sometimes my camera is very reliable, it knows when adjust and when not too. However a lot of times it is better for me to control all settings for the best shot. Thankfully the camera, Larry, I think I will name him (from previous blog posts you will remember) did a great job and only a few black out shots were incorrectly exposed.
I came out of this newborn session very confident and full of fresh new ideas to put into place for the next one. I want each newborn to be different but there are some poses that I just can’t resist putting each one into. I am still amazed that the first time mothers are so poised. My client’s mother tagged along and was a great inspiration in some of the reflection poses for mom and baby. I could tell though that Nana B was more worried about the baby’s comfort and wellbeing than mom was. This is not to say that Nana was a worrier or that mom was not. It is just a compliment to address the finesse that I saw in this first time mom’s actions.  Lest we forget that she had a C-section 7 short days ago!
Baby M’s father is a Liverpool Soccer fan. The theme song before each game is presented to the crowd and everyone joins in the anthem of “You’ll Never Walk Alone”. How fitting for a newborn session. Our children will make mistakes through life and will grow. I think we can safely say that hopefully they will not make as many as we did. In any moment we find ourselves wishing that parenting was easier we pride ourselves in standing firm on one piece of information…..They will never walk alone. We will always be there, sometimes ahead, sometimes behind…..but together.

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