Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Naming the camera and remembering the details

My photography friend “as I fondly refer to as” agreed with me this week in that we are still trying to find our photography style. I am struggling with covering up the feeling of regret after a photo shoot because of how the gallery turned out with the same feeling of thankfulness that I have willing subjects to let me practice to get better. It is hard to get over the fact that I may have let someone down because it wasn’t what they had in mind. I have an idea in my head of how my photos should look and more importantly how they should feel. It is something that you can’t describe and there is no class or tutorial to tell you how to get there. The good news is my photography friend is going through the same thing and we appear to have the same “idea” of how we want our pictures to look. By any means, I don’t strive for us to be alike but it does rest my mind to know that she is still searching as well.
 I am a planner! I make a list of what I want to bring on a vacation, what we want to eat when we are there, and how much money it should cost to accommodate this. I use a highlighter to double check all the items we are to have packed before we leave and usually check that list again before we depart to come back home. Knowing this, it is difficult for me to make a list of items needed for a session of photography, check the lighting in my area days before, research photo styles of trusted photographers and still not look at my gallery of pictures afterwards and not have a “oh yeah….oh yeah….I did it” little dance for each one. Dang it….what’s the use of planning if it can’t be predictable!!!
Our last session with a newborn was my first. A big accomplishment for this shoot was to conquer a black out shot of mom/dad/baby. I had no idea if it would work or not but asked kindly that mom and dad wear black tops and confidently had them pose. Glorious songs sang in my head when I saw on the computer screen “thanks to digital” (PS I will always love film) the picture in my mind right in front of me. That is a great feeling. I used to think that photography was an art that only worked one way: point, click, see.  That is the most untrue statement ever! I have a certain feel for the picture, and I am determined to figure out how to tell my camera (who I am thinking about naming so as to make me not feel crazy when I whisper to it…..”get with it buddy…..you’re killing me here”) to make that happen. Any suggestions of names welcome. I am hoping not to get overloaded with props on my next newborn session and focus on the baby. Parents want to remember how small the fingers and toes are, how their skin was still covered with little tiny hairs all over, the shape of their nose, or the small wrinkles in the skin. Details, Details, Details. Remember the details!
PS. It's killing me not to add pictures of our session but my newborn has a relative birthday soon, and I can't ruin the surprise. ASAP

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Feeling Froggy

First new born shoot today…… It was as hard as I expected it to be. Note I said it wasn’t harder than I expected but yes, as hard as I expected! I really was lucky with having such an excellent model that was almost 3 weeks old. Because of her being past my 10 day preferred time she was a little “froggy”.  “Froggy” meaning that she really enjoyed moving her legs and feet around quite a bit, and she was not a happy camper to be pushed together in a little ball. So she didn’t!! My rule is…”don’t want to”….”don’t”, when it comes to newborns. Hind sight being 20/20 I felt that if I had swaddled her in a tight fabric and made her feel safe and secure Miss M would have done a lot more relaxed poses for me. She was incredibly in love with the heater and the sound machine that played a mother’s heartbeat. I felt like I was so prepared but it took two minds to really put together all the poses and setups for the pictures we wanted. My friend Vickie is also starting photography and was able to “shadow” me during the shoot. I was so thankful she was there because I felt like when I hit a stumbling block she helped me through it. Mom and Dad were the best participants of the whole day! They, unlike Miss M, knew exactly what was going on and treated me like I was a professional photographer. They wanted me to guide them as to where to stand, how to hold their hands, and completely “gave” their first born to me to move and pose. I was impressed at the comfort of these first time parents and how they seemed like they were actually having fun. It made me smile after our shoot to realize that I would have never met this little girl at this stage in her life. I would have never been able to watch her mother comfort her or her father get her clean and ready.……..What a wonderful avenue photography and the Lord has given me to make these moments possible.
I hope to bring Miss M back for a one year cake smashing photo shoot when I have had a chance to hone my skills!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby It's cold outside!

IT'S FREEZING OUTSIDE! Alright, so my genius brother in law in VA would correct my term because i think it is technically 36 degrees right now but, it's cold. I am just ready to curl up in the bed and call it a day. Today was my first baby photo shoot with 3mth old Baby M. He was such a good sport. Considering that I am still in the very early stages of my learning, he put up with me moving him around, experimenting with different poses, a variety of props (some that I may add he did not fit in OR on). It is amazing how much trust a little one puts into someone they don't even know. He allowed me to come into his environment, and for moments actually seemed to enjoy that I was there. I find myself focusing on his little hands, feet, and toes. For some reason those small things attract the lens, and look so much smaller than I remember my own children having. It is surprising how quickly you forget at what stages babies accomplish what. I actually Googled last night- 3mth baby capabilities. I wasn't even sure if the poor thing could sit up on his own by now. Need I remind you, I have three children, the youngest 8 yrs old. Don't worry, I am making mental and written notes of what stages babies should be at and what to be prepared for. I am still so thankful that I have so many friends that are willing to let me "grow" with their children.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A story in the picture

I’m finding myself treating everyone as if they are an opportunity to photograph. I make a mental picture of moments that I observe and say quietly to myself, " that would make a great picture". Earlier this week we discussed the story that a picture tells. I accidentally captured a moment in a photograph of joy and content of a great man that has been through a very tough year. It is one of those shots that people will remember him by. It was as if you could feel him there in the picture. You knew what he was thinking and you could feel the peace in his heart from being with his children and grandchildren.
I have so much to learn about photography and people in general but I am not afraid to attempt to put on “film” what is in my mind. I am currently seeking willing families, kids, infants, and expectant moms to allow me to share some of their moments with me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

K Family

The K Family was incredibly patient with the an hour and a half of constant  attention.

E's Baptism

E's Big Day. It was unseasonably warm for New Years Eve. 

E was such a great baby. She had no problem being photographed. 

We call this the "sku-whunch" face

Would you figure out what you want to be when you grow up?

I have constantly found something to fill every minute of my day. Okay, well if I am honest I find lots of times to snuggle with a certain silky terrier named Winnie on a certain couch. However, that is not the point…..we will get to that later. The first  point is throughout the years I have followed so many paths: mom, dental hygienist, house cleaner, nail tech, tanning bed operator, movie rental manager, consultant for kitchen tools and purses, website owner of hair bow creations. I am never afraid to fail at something new. Some may snicker at my quick point to label myself as whatever my new “thing” is for the week/month. I become completely engulfed in what I do. It consumes me and I don’t know how to do anything simple. I can’t just give a friend a baby shower gift of a gift card or a box of diapers. I have to search out a pattern, buy fabric, hunt down an embroiderer, spend hours cutting cloth, and finally have a handmade diaper bag that I am so proud of I post pictures on Facebook. My husband is accommodating to any of my new adventures and actually convinces me that I am as good as I think I am at some of the crazy things I come up with. Did you know that at 16 yrs old, I dated someone whose parents owned a gym and I took an at home course to be an aerobics instructor? I become so excited about whatever the moment holds for me. So what is the point? (as I promised I would get to). The point is…the purpose is…to not grow up. Never be satisfied, always become something new and redefine yourself. Today is the beginning of a new adventure. So, as I have heard from countless people in the past, "You have an eye for that", I plan to show you what exactly I have an eye for.