Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby It's cold outside!

IT'S FREEZING OUTSIDE! Alright, so my genius brother in law in VA would correct my term because i think it is technically 36 degrees right now but, it's cold. I am just ready to curl up in the bed and call it a day. Today was my first baby photo shoot with 3mth old Baby M. He was such a good sport. Considering that I am still in the very early stages of my learning, he put up with me moving him around, experimenting with different poses, a variety of props (some that I may add he did not fit in OR on). It is amazing how much trust a little one puts into someone they don't even know. He allowed me to come into his environment, and for moments actually seemed to enjoy that I was there. I find myself focusing on his little hands, feet, and toes. For some reason those small things attract the lens, and look so much smaller than I remember my own children having. It is surprising how quickly you forget at what stages babies accomplish what. I actually Googled last night- 3mth baby capabilities. I wasn't even sure if the poor thing could sit up on his own by now. Need I remind you, I have three children, the youngest 8 yrs old. Don't worry, I am making mental and written notes of what stages babies should be at and what to be prepared for. I am still so thankful that I have so many friends that are willing to let me "grow" with their children.

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