Thursday, January 5, 2012

Would you figure out what you want to be when you grow up?

I have constantly found something to fill every minute of my day. Okay, well if I am honest I find lots of times to snuggle with a certain silky terrier named Winnie on a certain couch. However, that is not the point…..we will get to that later. The first  point is throughout the years I have followed so many paths: mom, dental hygienist, house cleaner, nail tech, tanning bed operator, movie rental manager, consultant for kitchen tools and purses, website owner of hair bow creations. I am never afraid to fail at something new. Some may snicker at my quick point to label myself as whatever my new “thing” is for the week/month. I become completely engulfed in what I do. It consumes me and I don’t know how to do anything simple. I can’t just give a friend a baby shower gift of a gift card or a box of diapers. I have to search out a pattern, buy fabric, hunt down an embroiderer, spend hours cutting cloth, and finally have a handmade diaper bag that I am so proud of I post pictures on Facebook. My husband is accommodating to any of my new adventures and actually convinces me that I am as good as I think I am at some of the crazy things I come up with. Did you know that at 16 yrs old, I dated someone whose parents owned a gym and I took an at home course to be an aerobics instructor? I become so excited about whatever the moment holds for me. So what is the point? (as I promised I would get to). The point is…the purpose is…to not grow up. Never be satisfied, always become something new and redefine yourself. Today is the beginning of a new adventure. So, as I have heard from countless people in the past, "You have an eye for that", I plan to show you what exactly I have an eye for.