Sunday, February 12, 2012

A new born adventure

I have to admit it is easier to take a picture of a newborn and expect that someone will love it. However…….. it is not easy to take a picture of a newborn! There is so much to think about. The most difficult challenge is getting them and keeping them asleep. There is a point after a child is born that my mother used to say, “They wake up”. It usually happens around the 5-7 day old range. They notice that things are going on around them and they want to know more about it. Mr. S was just like this. He knew that he was not at home; he knew that it was windy outside and things were blowing around, he knew that he was not supposed to go to sleep in a galvanized tub. The sleeping poses are my favorite and really portray the peace and trust that they bestow in the moment. So far my newborn sessions have been gone smoothly because of three very important pieces of equipment: a heater, a sound machine, and a 50 prime lens. The babies love the heat and sounds of water moving or a heart beating in the background. The 50 lens allows me to blur out everything but the subject. Your eye takes you directly to the baby and nothing else seems to matter. My most recent shoot with Mr. S was extremely peaceful. I believe it was because his mother was a veteran of motherhood. This was her third child and by now she looked like she could do this in her sleep. She was completely at ease and was willing to try whatever pose I wanted to put him in. We quickly found his favorite position and enjoyed watching him sleep soundly. He was even gracious enough not to have an “accident” on any of my props. I can see my sessions progressing as I trouble shoot different ideas and scenarios in my head throughout the shoot.
As a mother of three, I literally can make myself feel guilty because I cannot remember all of those first few weeks of my babies (now 16, 14, and 8). I would have loved for someone to be able to photograph all the little things my mind has seemed to have forgotten.

You don’t just take a photograph, you ask quietly, to borrow it~ Author Unknown
Thanks again for letting me borrow those moments!

 Will post more pictures when they are finished in the editing process.

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